We arrive at Ross after a long day of sightseeing and exploring the Glaciers.

This is an old gold town. As we find out later it had a gold mine in town which closed in the 70’s but there is another one just outside town that still produces.
We arrive at the old empire hotel and Maggie goes in to ask about a pitch for the night.


She comes back with a smile saying that it is like something from the Wild West. She has already made friends with the barman who is laid back and basically says to do what we want. Well it has been a Long drive and from Queenstown this morning we have seen a lot been in many different landscapes. From Fiordland to glacierland and beyond.
I go get a pint and ask for a pint if IPA.


Giffy says, ‘That’s all right it popular with the Mary’s I drink this one tastes good.’ So that is what I drink. We take it outside to the porch where there is theatre happening.
Apparantly one guy with a beard said he would be Santa for the bingo club last year and one of the girls hadn’t forgotten. Tonight is the night and though he is game he really isn’t sure about the whole deal.




His name is Kevin Morrow so we joke that we know his nephew, Stevey back in Ireland. I think at first he doesn’t quite know what to make if us as we him but soon we are all best mates and he gets into his ? suit and makes of to entertain the old folk.
Mark asks us what we want to eat and steak and fish are good choices. We eat beside the bingo in the back and the food is delicious. Simple but tasty. Mark, the owner asks me how it was and I tell him the steak was lovely. He says that is good as this is the first time he has bought from a new farmer.
We have to move though as the lady next to us wins two full houses and a line so we obviously are bringing her too much luck.
Back out in the bar and soon the craic is mighty with everyone getting drinker and louder. It seems the place goes on till it stops. The barman and owner are both enjoying the night and the owners wife goes on to bed.
The big open fire is inviting when one guy gets close to falling in he is told to get away home.
Kevin goes out every so Often to see his wee dog, Blonde. She is a wee cutie and he loves it. Maggie keeps singing to it. He just has to show me everything it will do and how obedient it is.


Back inside and Maggie is now best friends with Aroha, meaning love ❤️ in Mauri. They are amazed she knows this but it just happens she named a doll she got for one of the grandkids the same name.


Aroha is a digger driver who works in Christchurch who has broken her arm. She has came home to recuperate. Her grandparents house is basically across the road. She has plenty of work to go back to.

Kevin has two bad shoulders which are bandaged. He is a loader at the gold mine. He fills the lorrys with ore. Each scoop is 40 tons and fills the lorry. Big boys toys. He shows me the lake across from the bar.


It is 90 meters deep and was the old gold mine. Apparantly, if the whole villlage agree they can sell up to the Chinese and the village will be tossed and the land used for another pit. Everyone agrees on one thing, it will never happen.


Shirley lives across the road and she has her own house. She just looks at me as if to say ‘Just another night with Kevin then”


Giffy and Spanky are both Moss pickers. Spagnam moss is big business and the best miss comes from here, or so the story goes. Just not the time to pick it at present so Giffy works in the bar part time and has live in board.
Mark the owner had a big Irish flag with Tiochad ar la written across it. He insists it doesn’t mean he has any views on Ireland. He never meant to settle here and was only running the old hotel till it was sold. He looked the Irish up online, Our time will come. It is to remind him and the wife they will be leaving soon. They have now been at the hotel 30 years and counting.

As the night goes on the cost of the drink goes down until they start arriving without payment at one point.
Spanky falls of his bar stool and Mark looks at him on the ground and politely asks what time he his staying to tonight.

He respond, ‘I’m drunk’
This obvious fact is not in dispute.
This inevitable marks the beginning of the end and suffice to say, a sufficiency of alchol was consumed, the world’s problems were put to right and we all agree Ireland have a damn fine rugby team.


Glad it is only a short stager home. Everyone else lives a stones throw from the bar.

