Today was governed by driving and ⛽️ fuel. We were travelling from Armstrong beach to Yeppon.


Before that though I get to spend some time on my beach. Sorting the coconuts and tidying.



The best bit was probably the flying fish that I saw when we arrived last night. They were leaping out of the water like dolphins as the tide started in. I hadn’t a camera and by the time I had looked in amazement and got the camera they had all but stopped. Still when I get a chance to upload some video you will get the idea.

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dsc03861In itself this is a fair drive and is probably the boring stretch of road. between Cairns and Brisbane. We drove to Camilla and pulled in to refuel. Problem. The station’s computers had thrown a wobbly and they couldn’t 40546-94436 any diesel. Are you travelling North? Yes I reply. No panic the next station is only 17 minutes
away. I thank them and then head off.
Well we drive the 17 minutes and then some and eventually get to Clairemont Beach a small beach park. I ask again and they say its about 20 minutes North to Camilla.
Panic we are nearly out.
Trust. we head back to Camilla and arrive with the last bar gone from the gauge. That is 33 kms. On arrival we are told the computers have not reset and they are going to need a ew system. Probably about a day tor two.
The next station is another 22 kms North.
Well we have no option but to start off. Maggie is not happy. In truth I am not sure how far we will get and have visions of sitting on the road ringing for someone to clear he airlocks and get us some diesel.
Time for prayer.
Well long and short was we made it.
I filled tank.
It holds 80 litres.
I put in 79.79 liners to fill it.
So all in all apart from losing an hour and a half we have an extra 60 odd miles added to our journey. 275 miles total.
Long enough to drive and when we arrive in Yeppon we are both ready for a break.



We wild camp up alongside a beach on the way out of town and it is lovely having your own private beach.

Only trouble is really noisy birds outside the van until they move on.

One mustn’t complain about such things.