In the morning it is a bit of an anticlimax after the night’s magic.

Breakfast is expensive, good coffee but essentially it is a continental breakfast for about £15 so that is hard to bear. I guess they have a captive audience as it is a WILDERNESS retreat.

Off we go heading towards the ferry which Maggie has moved to 2.30pm to give us time on the other side.

On the way, the man in the know, advises us to go to Stokes Bay.

It is about 30 minutes off the main road and a pleasant journey down through some open green farmland with the odd Kangaroo in residence alongside hundreds of sheep and cattle.



At the beach there are only rocks to be seen but we have the secret of to how to reach the beach.



You enter through a rock passage and suddenly the beach opens up in front of you.








Then back into car and passing the Kangaroo in the field and several dead ones on the road we head for the ferry as we feel at this stage we have sucked the best from Kangaroo island.

So 2.30 now and back on the boat heading for Cape Jervis again.
A throughly special time for wildlife spotting and connecting with nature.
Once off the boat we travel back along our previous route past Victor Harbour. The iPhone in it’s wisdom plans a shorter  route but in its wisdom forgets that we can’t drive over water so we end we have to drive round Lake Alexandrina to the Coorong again. This takes all day and the only Gem was Maggie spotting some Emu’s and I get some great shots and film them.

This is the second time we have seen them.

The first in the Northern Territory was a single one in the woods and he was so well camouflaged in the undergrowth only for Rick our guide none of us would have seen him, or her.





We stop just past Policeman’s Point to film the sunset beside a small lake.


Within about 5 minutes I get devoured by Mosquitoes.


I count about 14 bites from the neck up and a few on the arms.

It all happened so quick.

Of course, in hindsight, dusk, warm by a standing water pool with fresh white flesh on offer what mosquito wouldn’t be very happy.
As night approaches we reach Kingston SE and book into the Crown Inn.
This must be the first cheap hotel we have found and though it isn’t  ensuite and it is a bit run down in appearance the linen is clean and we both slept well.

That is once I stop fixating on not scratching my bites.

Will power, it is so hard though and every time you forget you are scratching again.