
We are just beside the Contemporary Art museum so take some time to top up our artistic tanks.

The main exhibition is Louise Herman.


Her untitled works have an underlying sense of disquiet like fragments of nightmares or empty dreams. Her portraits have a brilliant control of light and she creates mysterious heads that sit in space. dsc03295


This one is so like the road in Kangaroo Island it simply must be, or else the ‘Dark Hedges’.


The other exibition is of young artists and is called Prinavera. The gallery describes it thus  ‘As we breathe art into our bodies, we mirror it in our muscles and generate it using our bodies’ own radiant energy. The works are incomplete until we interact with the art. Primavera imagines the gallery space as a body, each artist representing a bodily system: respiratory, sensory, skeletal, muscular, endocrine, and Kim BIC. This exhibition begins with the breath and ends with most complex of all, the brain – the Limbic system- the control our very instincts and moods.”
Aye right
One feels possibly they are overselling.




Outside another huge cruise ship has arrived. This must be a major part of this areas revenue because that is the third cruise ship in three days.


From there we took our friends advice and headed for the number 4 wharf this morning. They opperate like Melbourne for public transport here. Not a Mikie card but an Opal card. This works for the ferry. So we board the fast ferry for Watsons Bay and travel out past the opera house and on past the navel docks to our destination.





Our acquaintance told us the houses on the right go up to 6 million the ones on the left are much less and start at 1.6.

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Maggie is feeling frugal and opts for one on the left.

Thanks goodness as we have only so much of a budget for the trip.
From there it is along the walkway and up the steps to head for the cliff walk.
We pass the nudist beach ?. Today it is not so many wrinkles as we had been told about but more a gay mecca.

It is a pleasant walk of about 15 minutes and you are looking down at the sea crashed rocks below.

Obviously an old defensive emplacement and still sitting alongside HMS Watsons.


I’ m aiming for the spiky one.

The lighthouse is automated today but in its day the lighthouse keepers cottage was a splendid place to live I would imagine.


We meet a retired chap who is out to do a spot of whale watching. In reality he tells us it is a bit late in the season but he is enjoying the banter and the sunshine as are we.
We retrace our steps and go in up the hill to the bus stop and get the 380 bus to Bondi.
We past upmarket properties and both remark how the houses are built on top of each other.

They sometimes have about a foot between them, usually no more than 4 feet. Even the large designer ones have no gardens.



Must be property prices but I think it would put you off buying. Guess that is why the Harbour side ones are so dear.

Bondi itself is no better than Portrush. The beach is busy and built up all round.

I think it is just I had a different picture in my head.


The waves ? are big and the surfers ? are out.



I enjoy playing in the surf watching out for boards and Maggie enjoys the sun.


I decide against a bit of posing. Jut don’t have the tan.

From there it is back on the 389 bus to the Maritime Museum and about a 35 minute walk home. We are both tired and retire with a bottle of bubbly to our room at the holiday Inn.